Phase IV building for the Faculty of Medical Science
Faculty of
Medical Science
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
The project was to develop a new building complex (Phase IV) for the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The facilities include the faculty building, family health & clinical block, examination hall, and the canteen building. The clinical building includes an OPD, day surgery unit, consultation rooms, drug dispensers, and treatment areas. Spaces and facilities include administrative sections, lecture halls, medical and research laboratories, examination hall, and canteen.
The main academic building comprises tutorial rooms and lecture halls, including two large lecture theaters with three hundred seats in each. The building also houses several teaching and research laboratories belonging to study programs in Medicine (MBBS), Human Biological Sciences (B.Sc. in Human Biology), Nursing (B.Sc. in Nursing), Medical Laboratory Sciences (B.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Sciences), and Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy) which makes this the only ‘Faculty of Medical Sciences’ in Sri Lanka offering all above study programme together.
For the proper functioning of the faculty, all related services such as gas and water, HVAC, and electricity services were provided, and service provisions were kept for medical equipment. Internal roads, sewerage treatment facility, drainage, storm water disposal, and completely soft and complex landscaping works were also included in the project.